Monday, May 29, 2006

Who Needs Hawaii?

There's no need for the North Shore when you have the west shore of Lake Winnipeg on a very windy Sunday afternoon. These brave waterlovers took full advantage of the big waves to do some Prairie body surfing. I was happy to see they were completely outfitted in westsuits, booties and personal floation devices.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


This morning was sunny and warm, perfect for taking some snaps of spring blooms. I found the lady slipper along the railroad tracks. The lily of the valley grows around the oaks at the cottage.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

May Long 2006 at Lake St. George

When night falls, the sparklers come out, that's if the kids haven't already fallen asleep after a long day of fishing and exploring.

Thanks goodness someone in the Interlake still owns a pair of Macho Man Randy Savage shades so I can see how I look after three days in the bush.

When the fish aren't biting, sometimes the best course of action is a nap in a sunny boat.

But when the fish are biting, it makes little boys very happy. This Northern was not too keen about a boat ride. He swirled around the motor and did a dozen spins before Clark landed him.

Kim gives Jake a few casting lessons. About two decades ago, Merv was standing on this very dock teaching little Kim how to get her hook in the water.

Dad and Kim practice getting skunked on Lake St. Andrews. It looks calm and quiet but the wind she was a howling that day. The preferred spot was on the sunny south side and out of the wind.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Charbroiled pork roll-your-own rice paper rolls. I am so hungry!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Don't Do Crack

Note to Self: Do not wear lowrider pants on the day you plan to be in the photo studio. While you're hard at work adjusting the model's hemline, your pal the photographer is falling on the floor laughing but only after he's snapped a few for, um, posterity.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Snake Day!