Monday, December 12, 2005

The Exclamation Point!


The first rule of using the exclamation point is never use the exclamation point. Let me back up but just a little. We've become immune to the funny little line with the period floating at its end. Every command on a television commercial ends with the EP. Low! Today! 2006! Every second e-mail from a pal contains at least one. "I'll see you at lunch!" Must be a really good lunch. So use it sparingly and only when you really, really mean it.

The rules say use an EP only at the end of a word group or sentence that expresses exceptional feeling or deserves special attention.

Proper use of the EP
"He's dead!"

Of course we'd only use the EP if someone were truly surprised at this situation.

Improper use of the EP
In the fisherman's memory the fish lives on, increasing in weight and length with each passing year, until at last it is big enough to shade a fishing boat!

The sentence is emphatic enough without the EP.

Never end two consecutive sentences with the EP. One has to have more force than the other or the two will simply be washed into mediocrity.